The Tourist Guides’ Association of Seville (APIT SEVILLA) is a member of  the Spanish Association of Tourist Guides (CEFAPIT), the European Federation of Tourist Guides (FEG) and the  World Federation of Tourist Guides’ Associations.

All of our members are licensed guides by the Spanish Government. They are all independent, highly qualified, professional tourist guides based in Seville, deeply in love with this city, ready to make your experience unique.

Founded 40 years ago, APIT SEVILLA’s prestige is the result of a successful implementation of our know-how. From tailor made private tours to events involving high numbers of participants.

Our tours can be conducted in 8 different languages: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish Sign Language (APIT is the only Guides’ Association that offers this language).

Art, history, culture, music, nature, food and wine are our passions.

Our members are true ambassadors for quality and excellence tours.